Messiah in you the HOPE Of Glory! – Happy Resurrection and HAG PESACH SAMEACH


Oh, give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good! For His mercy endures forever" Psalm 136:1

This is one of the Psalms that we sing quite often in our Jewish Communities and in the Messianic Congregations all around the world. How true it is and still how little we realize it day by day, in our daily lives! Yes, His Mercies endure forever!

My Romanian trip includes the preparation for the upcoming summer reconstruction of the Church building in Puieni. We are also ready to establish a few more Messianic Congregations in Romania. Pray that they will be well nourished and the Lord will be satisfied in the work for His Kingdom to come and for the Salvation of His people, Israel.

Here in the USA, we just celebrated Resurrection Day, the most important Feast in the Christian realm, or at least I think it is supposed to be so, because without the Lamb Sacrifice and His Resurrection, none of us would be where we are right now. You see the Jewish Scripture speaks of the Lamb from its’ beginning:

"God will provide for HIMSELF the LAMB for the burnt offering, my son", said Abraham to Isaac, his son (Genesis 22:8)

And so, HE, The ALMIGHTY ONE did indeed. He provided the Lamb, FIRST for HIMSELF. Nothing in His creation would have been enough to satisfy the the wrath of the ALMIGHTY ONE against sins of HIS Masterpiece, the Adam race, but HIMSELF. Soon we will all celebrate Passover.

The main theme of Passover is the Redemption through the Blood of the Lamb, and this is also in the Resurrection, despite the fact that many so-called Christian symbols for the season are “bunnies and eggs”! Nothing could be further from the truth! As I already mentioned, Resurrection and Passover, are nothing else, but the Redemption through the Blood of the Lamb and this was from the beginning of time. Unfortunately most of mankind has rejected it. As this season is fast approaching, my very dearly beloved, do not forget:

"For God so loved the world that HE gave His only begotten SON (the Lamb) that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16

As many as two billion s-called Christians celebrate His Resurrection, but little do they know about it. Also, as millions of Jewish people all around the world celebrate Passover, they do not realize that every year they celebrate the Lamb, Who does not yet exist in their lives – the Lamb, who brought Redemption to our people, and Redemption to the world. Yes, we have a great task before us this season, to no longer be silent, but to make it crystal clear to everyone, WHO we really celebrate. For HE, our Salvation, is the real Reason for this Season, and for all seasons.

"Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the tomb… Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, for He is risen." (Luke 24:1-9)

Please pray for me that the Lord will give me many opportunities to open my mouth and teach my people – God's chosen people, the Jewish People, about HIM, the Lamb, Yeshua – Jesus our Messiah.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart, for all you do for "Jesus of Israel Ministries". You mean so much to us.

Theo Smilovici

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